Work, Actually
Work, Actually
SCREENWRITER: Paul Alexander
If you are keen to be a budding screenwriter or fancy learning what this job is all about, enjoy this chat with Paul Alexander, a British sreen writer who has written or contributed to the likes of Red Dwarf, Goodnight Sweetheart, Babes In the Wood, Lovejoy, My Parents are Aliens, Emmerdale and much more.
Paul's website: https://pabloxander.com/
He also recommends those starting out to download screenplays to read as research here:
The Internet Movie Screenplay Database: https://imsdb.com/
Simply Scripts annual list of awards-season screenplay contenders: https://www.simplyscripts.com/oscar-screenplays-96.html
Tips from Paul:
Keep writing
Put the time in
Read scripts
Watch TV and films a lot
Put your work online across platforms
Start to brand yourself
Target the right people
Check your work with others (not just your parents)
Don't send scripts out of the blue to agents or producers- ask for permission
Check agents websites for openings
Ask for recommendations